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Dreams, Education and People change the world!

We exist to create a world of love in which all beings can haveRight to Dream and opportunities forAccomplish It isTo inspire.

We are a CSO

We realize and support dreams throughprojects,
campaigns and other diverse activities following the indicators of UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Our Purpose

That dreaming is a right for everyone, a human right, the 18th SDG.


Impacted people


Performed activities



We rescue dreams. We make connections. We transform places. We work for the Right to Dream!

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Help us make more dreams come true

Every day, we help young people and adults develop and achieve their dreams. But to keep doing this, we need your help.

Be a Donor or a Partner!

If you are an individual and want to contribute, just click the button below and make your donation!
Any amount is welcome and makes a difference.

If your company wishes to become one of our partners, contact us by filling out the form below:

Entraremos em contato!

Articles from our Blog

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“Dreams are seeds and together we are Forest”


Av. Damião Junqueira de Souza, 306 - Federal, São Lourenço - MG, 37470-000

(35) 99858-7558


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Be part of the change: Contribute to our Dream Factory and make dreams come true!

Fábrica dos Sonhos and the right to dream. Transforming lives since 2013.

Website made with 🤍 by Adriana Paes

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